10 September 2008

Hati Seorang Mujahidah..

(Hati Seorang Mujahidah)
(Bahasa Inggeris)

Three brothers set out from yemen to go to mekkah. They heard about this city and wanted to experience its culture and to partake of it various social activities. One was named yasir and the other two were named harith and malik. The lateer two left to return home to yemen after some time, but yasir liked living there so much that he decided to stay on permanently. According to the custom of the time he got the sponsorship and support of abu huthaifah bin Abdullah makhzoomi, and became his companion and partner. As they go to know each other better, they took a liking to each other. Abu huthaifah had a very intelligent and sensible slave girl in his house, Sumaayyah. In due course of time she got married to Yasir.

It was a happy marriage and soon they had a son whom they names ‘Ammer. Abu huthaifah was very kind, loving and generous man, and he liberated the family from bondage, but he continued to keep good terms with them and very often helped them with cash as well. Yasir had two more sons, whom he named Abdullah and hareeth. The latter was murdered before the advent of islam, and with this tragedy it seemed ill fortune started to haunt the family.

Sumayyah bint Khabat r.a was one of the first seven people to be enlightened by Islam and swear allegiance to the prophet saw. She is among the foremost of the greatest women companion. Islam is unique in the sense that a persons value does not deoend on colour, race, language sex or nationality. The norms are purity of heart and goodwill towards all. As Allah says “ Verily the most honourable of you with allah is that (believer) who is most pious”. (49:13)

Thus a person who wishes for his fellow human beings what he wishes for himself, who is kind to his fellow human beings for the sake of Allah S.W.T. , is the onewho fulfils the conditions of the test set by him

The seven people who first accepted islam were the following:
Abu Baker siddique, Ali bin Talib, Khadijah, zain bin Harith, Sumayyah bint Khabat, ‘Ammar bin Yasir, Bilal bin Abi Rabiah ( not set in order)

The Quraish of mekkah could not harm the prophet saw because of the power and position of his uncle abu Talib. Abu bakkar siddique was also a very powerful man because of the wealth of his tribe and his own personal influence. But the common muslim whether man or womanwas not spared any imaginable torture or torment.

Sumayyah bint khabat r.a , her husband and her son amaar were very often the targets for the cruelty of the qureish. On one occasion as the prophet saw was passing by the market place he saw all three members of the family being put through the worst form of torture possibler. But he prophet saw was so helpless that there was no way he could rescue them. He could only console them and said, “be patient o family of Yasir! For your final destination is Paradise”

Uthman ra also narrated that the prophetsaw used to say these words to comfort the family. One ‘Ammer managed to escape and reach the prophet saw. He then asked when this persecution of the innocent muslims would end, and when they would be able to breathe peacefully. He said things were going beyond all limits. The prophet saw then comforted him with a prayer to Allah to prtect and save the family of Yasir from the hell fire.

Abu jalh gave sumeyya bint khabat the worst kind of punishment, but she did not waver even for a second and remained as steady as a rock. He tried to pressure, cajole with and threaten her to recant, but she bluntly refused. He could not accept the fact that she could resist him so stubbornly and in out of rage he thrust his spear into her. This proved to be a fatal blow, and she died. Thus aumeyya bint khabat had the distinction of being the first woman martyr of islam. This incdent took place seven years before the hijrah. Then her husband also fell victim to the tirture of the Quraish and he also died. After the martyrdom of both the parents, ‘Ammar took a special place in the affections of the prophet saw. He used to address him lovingle as ibn Sumeyyah. He proohet saw often spoke of the family of yasir in the highest terms of praise.

Abdullah bin Mas’ood r.a. says the prophet saw once said that when dissensions and disputes appeared among the people Ibn Sumeyyah would always stand by the right and just.
This family sacrificrd their lives, all in order to nourish the truth and also to earn rewards for the hereafter. It is about people like these that Allah says:

“ Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be the paradise. They fight in Allahs cause so they kill (others) and are killed. It is promise in truth which is binding on him in the taurat and the injeel and the quran. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain that you have concluded. Hat is the supreme success” ( 9:111)

(Bahasa Melayu)

Sumaiyah binti Khabbab merupakan hamba kepada Abu Huzaifah bin Al-Mughirah iaitu seorang pembesar Quraisy dan telah menetap bersama Abu Huzaifah sedari kecil lagi memandangkan beliau seorang anak yatim piatu. Perwatakan beliau yang baik dan taat kepada perintah tuannya sememangnya menjadikan beliau cukup disegani walaupun taraf beliau hanya sebagai seorang hamba yang berkulit hitam. Beliau juga ditakdirkan berkahwin dengan Yasir yang juga bekerja dengan Abu Huzaifah. Hasil perkahwinan itu mereka dikurniakan seorang anak lelaki yang bernama Ammar. Sumayyah sekeluarga merupakan antara individu yang terawal memeluk agama Islam yang dibawa oleh junjungan besar, Nabi Muhamad s.a.w di Mekah.

Kisah beliau yang masih dikenang adalah saat beliau sekeluarga ditangkap oleh Abu Jahal dan kuncu-kuncunya. Dengan ketabahan hati Sumayyah sekeluarga serta taat setianya mereka kepada Islam, mereka tidak gentar dengan seksaan-seksaan yang dilakukan oleh Abu Jahal dan kuncu-kuncunya. Nabi Muhammad yang melihat kejadian tersebut juga tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Baginda hanya mampu bersabda, “Bersabarlah keluarga Yasir. Sesungguhnya kamu semua dijanjikan syurga.” Dalil ini menunjukkan jaminan Rasulullah kepada mereka sekeluarga sebagai penghuni Syurga Jannatun Naim. Akhirnya dengan balingan lembing oleh Abu Jahal, mereka sekeluarga gugur syahid dan Sumayyah merupakan wanita pertama Islam yang gugur syahid.

Sumbangan Sumaiyah amat bermakna dalam mempertahankan kesucian akidah Islam. Antaranya: Pertama, berani menyatakan yang hak. Kedua, Sanggup mempertaruhkan nyawa kerana mempertahankan kesucian akidah. Ketiga, memberi imej yang baik kepada umat Islam dalam soal mempertahankan agama Islam. Keempat, memperteguh keyakinan dan keazaman penganut Islam yang lain untuk meneruskan perjuangan.

Seksaan Terhadap Sumayyah Sekeluarga :

Kaki dan tangan mereka diikat dan diheret ke tengah padang pasir yang panas terik
Rumah mereka dibakar
Dicucuk dengan besi panas
Ditikam dengan lembing
Dicungkil biji mata
Dibenam ke dalam air

2 Komen:

Tirana Wednesday, 10 September, 2008  

Kalau kita disiksa sebegitu rupa, macam mana agaknya ye..? Terpercik minyak panas sikit pun masa memasak, dah menjerit kuat..kalau kena siksa macam sumayyah ni..agaknya habis suara punya menjerit.. Tapi sumayyah ni tabah orangnya.. Disiksa dengan begitu hebat pun, imannya tak bergoncang..

Kamezaim Wednesday, 10 September, 2008  

betul tu tirana..Hanya Allah yg tahu apa yg mereka lalui..Semoga perjuangan mereka menjadi contoh pada kita..

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